. هذا بالتأكيد سوف يجلب النصر لكامل إيفي العظمىالطلاب ... إن شاء الله، إن شاء
" He who Passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it"
--Martin Luther King Jr.
Few days ago which unavoidable looks like months to me, I was banished from the Great Ife Page by the powers that be because of my un-shaking stance of standing and not being brainwashed by suicidal releases and Propagandas aimed at K-legging our Democratically elected Union leaders.
I roped my self and stood against oppression as imbibed in me, comments flew in both appalling and "solidaritory". Many spoke and bluffed but I was mostly disgusted by the suggestion of me begging for my right not a privilege o!(Singing) "Great Ife yi ti gbo gbo wa ni"!
Gone are those days of mediocratic students who are oppressed and they keep shut wailing in silence.
Meanwhile, Tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by people but the silence over that by the Good people.
I saluate the doggedness of students and blogs that responded with "aluta against all Oppression". May God in his infinite mercies stand by You in your trying times.
"The future rewards those who press on. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I 'am going to Press on"- Barrack Obama
Conclusively, I congratulate LASU for their feat. Great ife students 'ti wa nor a to de', it is high time we put aside our differences because "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish as fools"- Martin Luther King Jr.
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