Tuesday, 27 September 2016

#ExpandCapacity: Managing Recession 1


    The key to surviving a recession isn't necessarily in digging in and trying to hold out till the economy improves. #ExpandCapacity
2.       If you want to survive, you'll need to be willing to take a chance when new opportunities present themselves. #ExpandCapacity
3.       The secret to surviving a recession is opportunity recognition. #ExpandCapacity
4.       The first step in opportunity recognition is to know and believe that there will always be opportunity for those who seek and pursue it
5.       Regardless of how bad the economy may seem, people still buy and sell. #ExpandCapacity
6.       People still have needs to fill and businesses have products and services that meet those needs. #ExpandCapacity
7.       When d economy goes south,however,there is mass fear n concern n the perception is that the entire world may completely cease to function

8.       Even in the Great Depression of the 1930's the world continued to function and 75% of Americans had work and jobs. #ExpandCapacity
9.       Some people actually became wealthy during the Great Depression because they were able to identify opportunity and capture it
10.   One of the great examples of success during the Great Depression is the motion picture industry. #ExpandCapacity
11.   People were so distressed and fearful about their economic condition they needed emotional relief and a means to escape.#ExxpandCapacity.
12.   The movies provided that relief, no matter how brief and temporary. The movie industry identified need and opportunity. #ExpandCapacity
13.   Opportunity always exists, even though it may be harder to recognize in tough times because it takes a different form. #ExpandCapacity
14.   In bad times, opportunity comes by abandoning things that no longer work and finding new things that will work, based on new needs
15.   Recession itself is a great opportunity for those who choose to see it that way. #ExpandCapacity
16.   It's just that the opportunities may look different and they might require us to leave our comfort zones. #ExpandCapacity
17.   Now we are down to the real stress that a bad economy produces; the stress of change and the need to leave our comfort zones!
18.   Here's a great example: In 1927, a young married couple started a hot dog and root beer stand called The Hot Shoppe. #ExpandCapacity
19.   They had many years of success but they saw greater opportunity along the new highways being built across America. #ExpandCapacity
20.   They opened a motor lodge for travelers to sleep overnight. #ExpandCapacity
21.   That venture helped J. Willard and Alice Marriott build one of the greatest hotel chains in the United States. #ExpandCapacity
22.   In 2007, The Marriott Corporation was handling over 50,000 reservations a day! #ExpandCapacity
23.   If you see something that needs to be done and you have the opportunity to do it, don't let someone else seize the opportunity.
24.   If you are the first person to see that something needs to be done, you are probably the best person to do it. #ExpandCapacity
25.   Be bold and step up to the task. #ExpandCapacity

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