A single kiss can be surprisingly revealing. Maybe it makes you go weak in the knees, and at worst, can make you feel rejected. If it is a first kiss could even determine if you are going on another date with that person.
A kiss signifies different things to males and females, for females, its like a medal she gives to a guy for successfully winning her heart, other females see it as a "yes signal" for a guy to make love to them but to the guys its just a step further to know if you are on the right track to the underground chamber.
I've been able to compile some kissing mistakes and I hope my post will help to correct them. Enjoy...
Too Much Wetness
Don’t mistake being passionate with being sloppy. Whenever you’re kissing someone, you don’t want your lips, tongue or saliva being all over the place. There is nothing worse than going in for a kiss only to end up with messy, wet kisses all over your mouth and face.
Bad Breathe / Body Odour
No offense, but some of you just aren’t clean enough. Pre-date hygiene is important! And standing in the shower for 30 minutes is a futile effort, unless you’re actually going to suds your entire body up. And, if you want to kiss, make sure your mouth is clean. Some of you just brush your teeth and think that’s enough. Floss, for God’s sake! Brush your tongue! And don’t forget to clean the rest of you, while you’re at it! Drink plenty of water and stay away from stuff like onions, garlic, cigarettes and alcohol when you know you’ll be making out.
Grabbing / Back scratching
It’s weird to not touch or explore each other while kissing, but you don’t want to like pull your partner’s hair out or hurt their neck or anything. And for the ladies, scratching should be avoided! your partner won't be happy feeling pains after kissing you.
Tongue Factor (Male Dominated)
Your tongue stays as stiff and rigid as the chairman in your boxers. As she attempts to weave her tongue slowly and rhythmically like a normal human being, your mouth Situation simply pokes at her tonsils and stiffly wiggles from side to side as if searching for lost keys. The tongue is one huge muscle. You won’t impress a soul by flexing your tongue into someone else’s mouth.
Going Too Fast
Always kiss naturally and at a slow pace while building a mood. Every seduction comes in different level. Always be aware with her response. Slow down if you feel that she is trying to oppose you, she may be scared. Soft and gentle kiss are often appreciated compared to a kiss like being attack by an animal or something bad.
Grandma Kiss / Dead kiss
A good kiss involves your whole body, not just your
mouth. Allow your body to respond to the kiss and let it melt into theirs. If you have your date reaching for the ChapStick(lip gloss/lipstick) and wondering if there was indeed a kiss, get back in there with a little more enthusiasm. A closed mouth and tiny pecks have never in the history of kissing rocked anyone’s world. Kiss like you mean it. engage your entire mouth, not just tightly pursed lips.
Kissing can really make or break you as a lover. It is the first real intimate contact you have with your partner, and the way you kiss can alter his/her feelings for you completely. If you’re too aggressive, too sloppy, or just too much, you could end up killing whatever attraction he/she had for you to begin with. However, kiss him/her just right, and he/she will be putty in your hands. What makes a kiss spectacular really depends on the couple, but here are some do’s and don’ts that i think are pretty universal.
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