Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Why Do I Keep Messing My Relationship Up.

OK so the thing is i just need advice and not criticism as i get quite a lot of it already. 

I have been with a great guy for 2 and half years and he is probably the only best thing that has happened to me so far.

The problem is i just keep messing things up, its like we get over one problem then i create another. We recently moved in together (2months ago) and since then we just constantly argue about silly little things. Sometimes i think he takes things to seriously. I know he likes things a certain way but since moving in we just can not seem to get along. My biggest problem is i can not be open with him. I have lied to him numerous times about work, everything. The thing is he always catches me out when i do not tell him the truth and most of the time i know that he will find out one way or the other. 

He is such a great guy, has been there for me through so much from helping me get into work encouraging me when am down etc. Now i got laid off work just because of one of my problems ( i can not seem to keep job either) I did not tell him for weeks until he found out. Now it has literally messed things up. Even though he is not mad with me if anything he just wishes i can talk to him whenever i am having problems. Now i have totally lost hes trust/respect and i do not know how to even get past this. I feel terrible and unworthy of his love. I feel that he now just pittys me and does not see a future together as we have planned so much but i just have ruined everything. 

I do not want to loose this man and i just need advice on how i can get past it and gain his respect/trust. 

PS- Any negative comments keep them to your selves, am only interested in serious advice

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