Saturday, 17 May 2014


Having pledged that ours shall be a constructive union, we consulted various groups, interests, heard from various students' gathering we had conveyed, the leadership of the union opted for negotiation instead of confrontation; as such, we honored a second negotiation yesterday Friday 16th,2014 which started about 5:35pm at floor O. 

In attendance from d student body are the CEC members, leadership of SRC, HEC chairpersons, & for transparency purpose, members of the press & independent observers were also in attendance.

Meanwhile,just as we almost succeeded in getting second concession from d management, the fear of the protesting students & some other reasons made the management postpone d negotiation until further notice.

In the meeting with the ALUMNI ASSOC, the mediating body in this negotiation by 9pm (after d negotiation broke down) it has been agreed upon

1. Negotiation will resume
2. That there should not be any protest pending the negotiation
3. That there won't be payment of the fees until after the negotiation
4. That the president should not call Congress because he has no power to do same until after swearing-in.

This meeting was presided over by Prof Adeyanju, the National secretary of Alumni Ass & two other alumni; the agreement was signed by a representative each of the CEC, SRC, ideological groups & the press at the meeting.
Great Ife, thanks for your support trust this far even despite some orchestrated misinformation. Note that I will lead the leadership of the union to some halls to give full account of this increment so far IN THE MORNING TODAY... Hope u still remember that what we promised is intellectual struggle, not physical. This battle will b won with no or little confrontation! LA LUCHA SIGUE!
Ibikunle Isaac M,
The President-Elect,
S/Union, OAU.

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