Friday, 30 August 2013

Professor Olufemi Odekunle's Arrest by Al-mustapha 12

In your own assessment what do you think will be the future implication of all these things that have happened to the Nigerian military, a situation in which the chief of army staff,the chief of general staff and their commander-in-chief were trading accusations and counter-accusations over an alleged coup plot on video and in newspapers? (Pause) We have here a juxtapose position of power-play in the military and in the ethnic complexities of the country.That's my own assessment and this man [Abacha] was a phenomenon.The way he wanted to succeed himself without any pretence at all was quite nauseating ... but, you see,the question would have been easier to answer if the man was still alive. He is gone and the new man seems to be dismantling the man's structures. I don't know whether I have answered your question. No, we want you to assess the implications of Abacha's misadventure on the military,and on the country itself. And we have these layers of conspiracies, you have spoken about the power-play within the office of the head of junta,the ethnic dimensions and the implications of the oligarchy's continuing hold on to who ever is in power ...(Cuts in) I'm happy you said that. The ambition of the oligarchy to hold on to whoever is in power ... sorry if I had to digress. Abacha might have been there and might not have had any interest in protecting any Northern interest,just that he wanted to be in power and therefore whatever could help him and Northern oligarchy would capture him. And this makes me to say that I have this strong feeling that if [MKO] Abiola had assumed power in 1993 without this prison experience, the Northern oligarchy would have also captured him and used him for their own purposes. And this is why I want to now warn Nigerians, Southerners as well as Northerners, that is,rational southerners and rational Northerners, that the statement being made by some people that the solution is a Southern president is very dangerous.It is not just having a Southern president that is the issue, it is meaningful,fundamental power sharing [restructuring] that can solve the problem because you can be president but if you are not in charge of the army, police,prisons, security forces you are not in power. If you are not in charge of the civil service, you are not in power. If you are not in charge of the parastatals, you are not in power. It's like, say for a parastatal,you say 85 percent of the staff are from the West but the chief executive,the director of finance, the director of administration are from the North.Definitely, who's in control? Is it the 85 per centtypists,messengers,gatemen,clerical assistance  and maintenance officers that are in power or those three? Same thing when somebody is in power and the head of the military intelligence is from the North, the head of the army is from the North, the head of security service is from the North and so on and so forth,definitely you are not in power.You are just a president without a base, a sitting duck ready to be pushed aside if you do not dance to their tunes. So, what Iam saying in essence is that whoever is in power,the Northern oligarchy would use these agencies to capture him and put him in their pockets. So,this idea that Jibril Aminu and others have been echoing that we must have a Southern president is very misleading. It is not just having a Southern president, it is having a true federation, a true and meaningful federation in which power will be devolved to the states.In fact, it will be good if the president only deals with the defence and foreign policy and the powers of the defence should be split in such away that all zones are represented.So, it's not just having a president because I believe it is all a ruse this unusual promotion by the Northern oligarchy that there should be a Southern president. By the time they produce their joker, you will all be shocked. You will get a Southern president but you'd wish you never bargained for it.No doubt, the fire of radicalism in you is still glowing but we are sure some of your students would be wondering why you, a radical academic, should opt to serve a military junta in the firstplace. Any regrets? The only regret I have is the treatment I had in the hands of somebody like El-Mustapha because I told you, I am not being boastful, the way I carry myself intellectually and disposition-wise. I am like a jewel messed up in the mud the way I was handled with the inhumane, vicious, venomous,unexplainable and unjustifiable treatment I got from those boys.There was no basis for it. Its hows the poison, the venom,the prejudice behind these people's perception of me.To me, I am a Nigerian and a nationalist. Now, I have no regrets at all because the purpose for going into government was to assist a friend, general Diya. He invited me in July 1994 to form an advisory committee to deal with policy issues and give him advice on related matters,excepting security or military matters. I worked with all my brain and heart for the CGS.I made a lot of contributions and inputs into certain steps he took but I'd say this that some of my suggestions were not shot down directly by him but in around about manner. For instance, I'd write a policy paper for him on an impending national issue. He would later discuss with the C-in-C. That one would take it to the Northern oligarchy who would advise against his carrying out the suggestions because, as they always say,they were not in his best interest and that of the North. And that would be the end of the matter. They frustrated many moves. Again,for instance,if you say government has not done this thing about NITEL or NEPA, they would say that it was because the PRC had not met on it to approve the white paper. But when they do something, like say they appoint new members of a board, without your knowledge and you raise a question, they would say, ehnn,but it was recommended in the proposed white paper. Are you getting me? They would always do only those things that benefit them directly and careless about your own sensibilities. That's why you may never see the white papers of any panel or probe reports. They would rather use those recommendations favourable to their interest: and when you raise query about the whole issue, they always have a ready answer, Ah, it was recommended by so so so panel.That is how they have been using the results of more than 14 probe panels set up by the government but up till today the reports are yet to be officially released.With all these complexities in government and the bastardisation of democratic principles (by the previous administration), do you think this new junta can midwife democracy?I will give two answers. One,spiritual, the other rational. The spiritual is this: in [TheGospel according to St.] Luke 1: 37, "For with God, nothing shall be impossible."And I believe that even though we human beings are the architects of our own fate, sometimes divine interventions do come in if you believe in God.Take my own situation. As a person, I was discharged and acquitted but they were not going to let me go, the stumbling block to their wish must have been the sudden death of the head of state. So by some divine intervention,the man just passed away. The new one said those who had been discharged and acquitted should be released and those who had been sentenced to death and various terms of imprisonment should have their sentences reduced.Perhaps without that passing away of [Abacha]maybe I'd still be in detention now. Maybe some people would have been executed. So, my first response is that we pray for divine intervention that these people would be wise.Secondly,for what I know particularly of this head of state, he seems to me to be an officer and a gentleman. Now, whether or not this would reflect in achieving the objective of successfully running a transition programme would depend on how he sanitises the armed forces. It will depend on hisbeing honest with his own conscience because when people are inpower, sometimes their conscience gets dented by people advising them,by people holding offices, by people blocking them from hearing the truth.So, if he could be the man I knew, I think he might mean well. So,whether he midwifes or not, would depend on what God has decreed for us and on the way he is able to deal with his fellow generals and the officers corps of the armed forces. It also depends on the civilians. Remember that it was the civilians that decided to trade away their mandate [in1993]. After the annulment,both the NRC [National Republican Congress, one of two parties set up by military dictator Ibrahim Babagida for civilians to join] and SDP [Social Democratic Party, the second political party authorized by the military government] agreed, to have an interim national government,ING,abi [isn't that so]? If they had not agreed I don't think ING [Interim National Government set up by Babagida and headed by Shonekan in place of elected Moshood Abiola]would have been possible and I don't think the annulment would have survived. Again, look at the five-party endorsement of General Abacha as their common presidential candidate.If they were the democrats or serious politicians, such a travesty would never have happened. In essence, I'm saying that our politicians must have a genuine desire for genuine democracy.Without that, true democracy will continue to elude us.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Graduate Engineer Trainee At BOBO Food And Beverages Limited

BOBO Food and Beverages Limited is one of the leading beverages company in Nigeria, always looking for talented professionals to join our team and currently have opportunities available for: Job Title: Graduate Engineer Trainee
Location: Lagos  

  • Carry out timely installation and monitoring of plant and equipment to identify and correct problems using root cause analysis
  • To implement plan and preventive maintenance programme
  • To implement corrective maintenance of machine using root cause analysis 
  • Installation of new machines and equipment.
Requirements  BSc/B.Eng/HND in Electrical / Electronic Engineering 
  • Should be a fast learner 
  • Should be between the age of 23 and 30 years 
Application Closing Date:  20th August, 2013 
Method Of Application Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications and CVs to: or

Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), List of Admitted & Reserve Candidates for 65th Regular Course – NDA Admission 2013 -

Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) – The candidates whose names appear below were successful at the Armed Forces Selection Board held at the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) from 29 June – 9 August 2013. The candidates have been offered admission into NDA for the 65th Regular Course. They are to report for training at the NDA (Permanent Site), Kaduna on 21 September 2013 . Any candidate who fails to report by 23 September 2013 will forfeit his or her place to a candidate on the reserve list.
 Selected candidates will be received on arrival at the Reception Centre located at the Academy Parade Ground (Permanent Site).
 Candidates on the reserve list are NOT to report to the Academy until they are invited.
Selected candidates MUST come along with the ORIGINAL copies of their School Certificate Results (NECO/WAEC) , and other credentials which include First School Leaving CertificatePrimary School Testimonial Junior/Senior Secondary School Testimonials, Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age and Parents’ / Guardians Consent Form and Letter of Attestation as to State of Origin.
Any selected candidate who does not come with the listed documents WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED for training.
 Candidates are to also come along with the following items:
a. Two pairs of white shorts.
b. Two pairs of white trousers.
c. Two white shirts (long sleeves).
d. Two pairs of white socks.
e. Two pairs of white canvas shoes.
f. One lounge suite (dark colour).
g. Two pairs of blue shorts and white round neck vests.
h. One pair of black trousers.
i. One belt (preferably black).
j. One pair of black cover shoes.
k. One pair of football boots.
l. One pair of spike shoes.
m. Black polish, brushes, shaving kit and toiletries.
n. Two white bed sheets and pillow cases for 8 spring bed.
o. Female candidates should come along with the following items in addition:
(1) Two pairs of trouser suits.
(2) Two lounge skirts.
(3) One pair of black low heel cover shoes.
(4) Two pairs of black or blue short tight.
Selected candidates are not allowed to receive visitors and will not leave the Academy for the first 3 months of training.
Selected candidates and their parents are to please note the restriction for strict compliance.
6. This result can also be accessed at the NDA official website or the applications portal
 Brigadier General
 Academy Registrar

- See more at:

Professor Olufemi Odekunle's Arrest by Al-mustapha 11

So, how long did the trial last? Just between two and three hours. On April 30, we went back to court for the summary when the judge advocate was to summarise the whole trial; and from there, you can know how the judgment would go. My own summary was that the prosecution did not produce any witness, just a document which was not even admissible as exhibit. On judgment day, they came as usual with barbers to cut our hair and shave our heads to make us look presentable.They bought new jeans and shirts for those who needed new dresses. They were brand new second hand clothings, ofcourse. we went in a convoy tothe venue, this time,Rukuba Barracks, and I sat close to General Diya. I told him that in ally my dreams I never saw him killed, that he should rest assured that he would not be killed. That whatever the out come of the judgment that day that would not be the end of the matter. I had also prepared my own allocutus because I thought after the verdict, as is customary, they would allow us to talk before sentence. I had planned to say I was not seeking mercy of General Abacha but justice because I did not commit any crime. I intended to use the opportunity to tell my wife and children that I was innocent and that the reason why they were trying me and had found me guilty was because I am a Yoruba man who refused to accept second class citizenship in his country. I told Diya all these and he said, "You mean you'll say all these?" I said yes. He said it was okay. So, when they called my name and they said, "Treason, not guilty," my mind told me they were going to get me on the second charge, I was holding my breath. SO, when they said,"Conspiracy to commit treason, not guilty" I said, "Ha a!" People thought I was collapsing or I was about to faint. No, no, no. It's like saying,"Oh, at last!!" But I felt for those who had been found guilty, particularly Diya. Unfortunately,they did not allow them to say anything. At the end,we were all taken back to prison. I thought it was because it was getting late that we were not released. SO, I was hoping to be released the following day, but that night I suspected some foul play because suddenly at night I started stooling. It was almost non-stop; and within two days, I became like a broomstick and for four days I did not urinate. I was dehydrated thus I insisted that I should be taken to the infirmary but I was not taken there and all the medicine in this world could not help me.They gave me Talazole, they gave me Flagyl, they gave me another kind of antibiotics,they did not work. They even gave me Kaolin, it did not work. Then I started praying to God that, "God, you who made sure I was released miraculously,please, if there was any foul play to make sure that I don't get out of this prison, please, God release me."After about four days, I started getting better but I couldn't believe what happened to me in those three to four days. It was like I was going to die. Surprisingly, those of us who had been discharged and acquitted by the tribunal were still being held and suddenly there was this rumour that they were waiting for the PRC to confirm the sentences. But I said, "I was not sentenced, what concerns PRC with me again?" I could not understand this.However, something of interest happened on June 3, a Wednesday. We had slept, it was between 10 p.m and 11 p.m. In fact they had opened my door before I woke up.Then I saw Major Mumuni and two others saying, "Pack, pack, pack." They said,"We don't like the services in this prison again, we are going to relocate."Of course,that sounds insane to me. We had been there for six months,the trial had just ended. Why should I relocate? And if you want to relocate why at 11 p.m?Anyway, within 10 minutes, we were all out with our loads on our heads like refugees. Every detainee, including the generals,were brought out. One of the guards moved nearer to us and said we were going to the airport. Our own reading of the situation was that they were taking us to Abuja. It was like we were going to be released or they were going to take us to Abuja, address us, to forgive and forget. That was our hope.So,when we got out, we were made to find somewhere to sit. I went to sit near Diya. Later he and the other convicted people were packed into the big black Maria and those of us discharged and acquitted were packed in two other smaller black Marias. We were in this position up till 12.30a.m. when suddenly they said we were not going again. So, we were returned to our various cells frustrated. The next day,everybody's blood pressure shot up when they took the measurement. Why this kind of frustration? As it turned out, it was not going to be the last attempt to take us out.Barely a week later, precisely on June 8,we had just finished eating,at about 3 p.m., I just heard some people moving. They were opening doors,then I was able to see through my hole Major Fadipe and Niran Malaolu,those were two of the other four people with me on my floor,others were Engineer Adebanjo who seemed not to be himself again and Colonel Bako who was also sick but not as serious as Adebanjo. Major Fadipe was escorted outside by the guards.Later, we discovered that some people had been taken away and these included some of the convicted people. Those of us discharged and acquitted were left behind and later brought together to stay on only one floor. It was here that I was relocated to Diya's former cell.They left some convicted people behind. These include Alhaji Maidabino who was convicted of receiving stolen goods, he was director of finance, State House. Then Demola Ojeniyi, a driver convicted for stealing; Colonel Bako who was in the infirmary because he was vomiting and stooling at the same time, and the fourth person, Galadima. I think he is a private or corporal who was also accused of stealing, he is the son of the batman to the C-in-C.These four were left with us who were discharged and acquitted. All those convicted for treason, conspiracy or concealment were taken away,including Engineer Adebanjo,who was yanked off his sick bed.

You mean all those sentenced to death were taken away? Yes, all of them. After this incident, we started our own waiting game. When were they going to release us? There were all sorts of rumours. By this time, we had heard that a new head of state had been sworn in after Abacha had suddenly died.We want to confirm from you whether those taken out on that June 8 were actually kidnapped or was it a normal movement? We understand that the GOC (inJos) said he did not know anything about it. I say we understand because I am not in the position to say yes or no but in prison there is a way information flows and remember that some of our fellow detainees are military personnel too and they know how to get information from the military guards. For example, it was one of the guards who,on June 8,informed one of the detainees through the window that the C-in-C had died.I was told that he just peeped in and asked the detainee to come closer and whispered to him, "Abachaya mutu." And demonstrated by simulating the slaughtering of a ram with his palm flashing past the neck firm like that [demonstrates]. So,they said that on the first day [June 3],the intention was to take those people to where they would be executed immediately the PRC confirmed the sentences and that a bomb was to be put on the other plane conveying those of us who had been discharged and acquitted.That was the speculation. It was like there was no way they would let us go because they would not want all what we are saying now to be out and that's why they didn't want the discharged and acquitted to be released,particularly somebody like me.Let's be a little bit analytical now. be continued


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Controversial s0ft-p0rn star, Judith Mazagwu well known as Afrocandy, has offered the recently concluded Big Brother Africa (BBA) The Chase star, Beverly Osu a movie role in her next film production. 

Afrocandy sympathised with Beverly for losing out of the competition which she described as'mago mago'. She berated the organisers of the show for not rewarding the Nigerian with winning the game show despite the publicity Beverly gave the competition with some x-rated scenes and controversies. 

Afrocandy wrote, "open call to Beverly Osu; Sorry for losing at the BBA, they did their mago mago and gave it to Dillish after all you did for them, if not for anything, they should have given it to you for all the entertainment you gave the whole of Africa for free.

"If you had put all that in a DVD, you would [have been] laughing to the Bank now. They didn't deserve you at all.

"Anyway, don't worry, I am still casting for my next movie and I can already see you got all it takes to partake in my kind of productions, (guts, the heart and the ability to get nak3d and have s*x in public without giving a crap). So babe, bring your s3xy self to me and let's get to work ASAP. 

"My phones will be on and I'll be waiting for your response."


Some hours ago, controversial actress, Afrocandy offered another controversial figure, Beverly Osu a movie role in her upcoming flick, which will most likely be a s0ft p0rn. Read It HERE

The offer by the mother of two to the recent returnee of the just concluded Big Brother Africa, The Chase game competition generated issues among fans of Beverly. It was believed that Beverly's x-rated scenes at the show may have made Afrocandy to extend the gesture to the reported ex-girlfriend of 2Shotz as stated in Afrocandy's post on Facebook.

Speaking on a radio show today (Wednesday), Beverly not only rejected Afrocandy's offer, but thanked her. 

When asked if she would love to accept the offer, Beverly promptly said, 'Afrocandy nibo? No, thanks for the offer but no, I am not featuring [in her film].

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

How Our Nigerian Pastors are Problems to our Problems

I always wonder how Nigerian pastors have turned themselves into sacred cows or a demi-gods that should not be touched all because of a part of the Scripture that says 'touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.'

I ask myself, does that mean that even if a pastor is caught doing wrong, he should not be castigated because he is a man of God? Then, who now is 'man of Devil'?

The Europeans brought Christianity to us but we have become masters of the religion more than the original owners. Do you call that excellence? The recent controversies surrounding two men of God lately really baffled me and made get scared for their tamed members, who still follow them blindly. 

One thing pastors quickly work on their members is the mind. Once they capture that, the rest is history. It is like 'seek first the (gullible) mind of the people and every other thing shall be added to it'. At that point, they can twist the Bible to suit themselves and made the members do their wishes. Or, how do you imagine people still throng a church after its leader beats members with the cane? How do you explain the massive turn out to a church in Lagos after human parts were allegedly found in the pastor's premises shortly after he died?

In every corners of Lagos, you find churches, yet, we are not better people than the destroyed people of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Holy Book. I know of a small street in Ilasa area of Lagos where there are 12 churches on it. It is only in Nigeria you have more churches than shops and stores. 

The problem of Nigeria is mainly our religious leaders, which I will limit to Christian leaders because that's my faith. Politicians confidently steal our money because they know our pastors will fast and pray for them and even beg God on their behalf (politicians) to build a shield around them so that our curses won't affect them.

They only come to the altar to castigate politicians but praise them behind after hands must have rubbed hands. Some who openly castigate them will still go behind to get a chunk of the national cake. People Deceiving Pastors? 

One thing our pastors have failed to understand is that they are not Elijah, Elisha and others of old, who the 'touch not my anointed passage was made for. These people, in their time, boldly told political leaders to their faces the real truth. How many of our pastors can boldly tell our politicians of today that 'thus says the Lord, ....' and they (politicians) tremble?

With the way things are going religiously in Nigeria, I doubt if we are not heading to destruction as a nation. And if such happens, our pastors should be held responsible for it. Pastors are stealing our money with the help of politicians, pastors are having carnal knowledge with both male and female members and twisting their minds to hide under the act. What a shame! Well, God is watching. I just hope the people of Sodom and Gomorrah won't petition God for destroying them and leaving Nigeria to continue this way. 

Pastors tell members to store their treasures in heaven, while they (pastors) go about buying expensive cars, houses and properties. Hmm, Fela already said it some years ago. 

I wish to write more, but will pause for now. I await when the religious revolution will happen in Nigeria.

Second Lady Who Accused Biodun Fatoyinbo Claims She Is Being Threatened

Remember few days ago that another lady supported Ese Walters claims that Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo s-xually abused her.....well the lady who simply identified herself as Franca E has released another statement claiming that her life is in danger.

Franca claims she has pictorial evidence...well I want to say something pls let's keep an open mind....I would have loved it if pastor Biodun dared her to release the least let's know who is truly lying.

Hear her,

My encounter with Pastor Biodun had been a long dead and buried issue. I only commented because people were calling Ese a liar and I knew first hand that something like that had nearly happened to me. However, now they are involving my family especially my sick father. 

Whatever meeting whoever had with my father has no bearing on my life because he does NOT speak for me. For those sending me threatening texts, what I possess is my best security.

I have taken the precaution of making copies of all that I have and entrusted it to two people who would send them out if I turn up it from armed robbery, kidnapping, sickness, poison, planecrash, heart attack, car accident or even childbirth. 

As my last word on this issue, I remind you that I, Franca E, is protected by 'a level of grace you don't understand'! Peace.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Wizkid Blasts J-Martins Over 'Broke' Comment

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The recent 'harsh' comment made to a fan by Wizkid has refused to stop generating more reactions. Wizkid had replied a 'fan' on twitter and called him 'broke' after the twitter follower corrected his bad English on the same social media platform. 

Wizkid had earlier wrote, "an hangover" instead of 'a hangover', which a fan called his attention to and wrote, "naxxo u gbagaun for music sef #20man smh tho... c d reason y u shld get back 2 sch. lol." Wizkid then replied, "broke people always think they have an opinion."

The incident has resulted into a wide range of condemnation with many slamming the young artiste. 

Speaking recently in an interview with a radio station, hi-life musician, J-Martins, picked on his colleague for calling a fan 'broke'. 

However, Wizkid has reacted to J-Martins comment. He said, "J.Martins..1) I never called any of my fans broke. That comment was directed to one person that insulted me, not a fan."

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Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog: Pastor Bans Hair Weaves in His Church

Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog: Pastor Bans Hair Weaves in His Church: The senior pastor at Resurrecting Faith Church in Waco, Texas has advised his female congregation not to wear weaves to church. 39 year ol...

Professor Olufemi Odekunle's Arrest by Al-mustapha 10

 ...from previous article
Did you mention Mohammed Abacha as one of those who tortured you? Hmmm... No. Because I had been warned that if I did that, I could be killed in prison. They would just come to your room at night wearing mask and do anything with you. So, I could not say that because at that point in time, they could come to my room and do anything to me. If you die in prison, Nigerians would just make noise, the international community would just make noise and I wasn't a politician. I am not someone who was known like Abiola or Yar'Adua. And even as Yar'Adua died in prison, Nigerians made noise and so what came out of it, let alone a university professor? So, it's like I'd been warned that there are certain things you do not say other wise you'd pay dearly for it. SO, it was not in my statement. By the time they finished reading the fourth statement, my bladder was almost at the point of explosion.I signalled to my lawyer that I wanted to pee. He said,"Pee? Never!"(Cuts in) Ehnn?!It's not that he was being wicked. Rather, he said I could not interrupt the court's proceedings and more so the case was going on so well. So,why should this distraction come from the apparent winner? I was in a serious dilemma. My what ever[bladder?] had swollen yet I was soon to be called into the stand to be cross-examined maybe for an hour or two. I said, "Jesus!" How do I geto ut of this? I was feeling it. I was uncomfortable and I started blaming myself and cursing my bladder. So, I devised a means. I pretended as if I was about to vomit and at the same time raised my hand to the tribunal chairman. That one came to my rescue. He said, "Take him out,take him out." he showed very human and humane concern.You know, he has known me as a professor for many years,approximately. I had taught for about 24years. Many people are my ex-students. [Senator]Iyorcha Ayu, for example,was my student. I have about two or three directors-general in the federal civil service who were my students. It's like I'm generally known in thatpart of the country. For example, even Lieutenant-Colonel Omenka had said he knew me as a professor in the 80s. So, when I went out to ease myself, the pee [urine] would not just come. I said, "Mogbe" [I'm finished].I don't know whether you've experienced this kind of thing before. When you delay too much before going to the toilet the bladder would swell so much that even the surroundings of your upper aperture would swell too and thereby making the urethra almost blocked because of these uper-imposed load. Thus, urine will hardly come out not to talk of when you are supposed to do it in a hurry. Under my kind of situation, you need to relax before you could pee. SO, I had to rush back but the tribunal chairman insisted I must see a doctor. Remember, I had pretended to vomit. I eventually met a doctor who treated me for stomach pain. I went back to the tribunal but my lawyer was angry. "Prof., why now? And the case was going well for you.what happened?" I said he should not worry.Sorry to cut in.Time is fast gone and we still have a lot of questions to answer.

Can you tell us a little bit about the judgment day? Okay. Before we go to the judgment day let me briefly conclude the last question I was tackling.My lawyer asked that apart from the memo which I had written and which the prosecution was harping on,were there no positive memos at all from my office? Why should the prosecution take one out of hundreds of memos written over the years as an evidence that I was involved in the alleged coup plot? I even helped myself by shouting that the document being labeled anti-government was even positive. By the time I finished explaining the circumstances surrounding the writing of that memo, it was as if I had made my case. I talked for 30 minutes non-stop. When I finished, I said,"What have I got for all my contributions to the government? Chains!" I held up my hands to show the handcuff.I said, "This is all I have got for all my efforts to improve the lot of my country. I didn't mean to be emotional but the effect was not lost on the court. After this,we started waiting for the judgment day. be continued

Video: ‘I Have 28 Children’ – Senator Yerima

Embattled senator and alleged closet ''paedophile'', Senator Yerima was interviewed on Channels TV this evening Sunday, 25th August, 2013 where he defended his views on child marriage.

he revealed that he has 28 children. One is 16 years old and he's giving her out in marriage on the 6th of September, 2013.

Rather Than Destroying More Than You Can Create, Find Ways Of Resolving The Issue! Segun Adekoye Writes On Ese Walter & Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo Saga

I like said it not ending any time soon. I know most of you have read what she said. Well i found this, and thought you guys should read it too.

When we talk about issues regarding religion we have to be careful, because it is one of the things that fragments our beliefs, our thoughts and our world at large. Much has been destroyed in this world on the basis of religion. Atheism is a form of religion, as is Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and a horde of thousands of not-so-widely-known doctrines worldwide.

You would have read Ese Walter’s open confession on her affair with the senior pastor of COZA, Biodun Fatoyinbo. The matter has been thrown back and forth. Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo has been flogged severely by comments from people who are thoroughly pissed at him. Ese Walter on the other hands has been reprimanded, comforted and even advised to go for ‘psychoanalysis’ as a particular commenter put it. I didn’t intend to talk about this issue, but I have a thing or two to say on the matter.

1. ‘Men of God’ are still men:

However disappointing this may sound, it is sadly true. Being called a pastor does not take the chromosomes in your DNA and mutate you into an angel. A pastor is a title that can be likened to other political titles like Prime Minister, President and Governor. It is an office that you occupy based on your qualifications be it spiritual, academic, political or moral merits. That a ‘man of God’ is alleged to have been involved in a scathing scandal like this does not make him a “fake man of God’. While the Judas was widely known to have betrayed Jesus, his role or deed did not erase his popular office as being one of Jesus 12 disciples. You can’t mention the 12 disciples without mentioning Judas. This did not warrant him ever being called a ‘fake’ disciple. Any acclaimed clergyman can become the subject of a scandal. These people were not born with wings. Discipline is what drives their office and the decisions to be set apart towards the service of God and humanity.

2. ‘Men of God’ have encouraged people:

I have witnessed the lives of a lot of people change positively because they have had contact with a ‘man of God’. Drug addicts have become better people. Poor, homeless and destitute people have been helped. Young children have had their education sponsored by these men of God. The ‘unbridled and carefree tendencies’ of humanity have been somewhat checked by majority of these people. Open allegations like this destroy other people’s beliefs and faith.

3. Ese Walter was not the abused:

This is what I believe. How can you call one week of non-stop sex, abuse. Abuse is the improper usage or treatment of an entity, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. How can she call it abuse when she willingly consented? I am astound by how this confession has become a thing of sympathy. She must have enjoyed whatever she had and wanted more, so she kept going back. Consensual sex is enjoyable.

4. He who is without sin should cast the first stone:

The reason why this is generating so much ire is because he is called a senior pastor of a church. I am forced to wonder if Ese would have made a case on this, if he wasn’t a pastor. If he wasn’t just another rich, married man. I am forced to think about how much she holds marital values and if she had never dated a married man except the pastor. If you’ve never committed fornication before, If you’ve never committed adultery before, if you’ve never cheated on your partner or wife before, cast the first stone.

5. Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo abused his office:

If the allegations are true, then one can say that the ‘man of God’ abused his office, the oath he took and the mantle placed on his hand. He can be said to have used the power of the position for the wrong motives. This has a ripple effect on all other people who occupy the same positions all over the world.

6. There is more than meets the eye:

Hey but you only heard a side of the story and you’re quick to judge. Listen to the other side of coin. Are there things Ese isn’t saying? Are there other things that transpired between them that have not been stated in her epistle? This is only how far you can know.

7. This is not a legal matter:

This is not a legal issue at all, except was on the grounds of rape. The only person that is expected to make a legal action is his wife, and that would be a case of filing for divorce on grounds of mutual infidelity. Ese enjoyed it thoroughly and regretted her actions

8. Religious leaders are the victims:

These are tough times for religious leaders all over the world. They have to watch their speech and thoughts all over the world. If you are a religious leader and you oppose same-sex marriage in America, you are seen as a demented opinionist who needs primary schooling on what human rights are. If you are seen wearing a turban on your head, you are closely watched because you are believed to have affiliations with terrorists all over the world. If you own a large church, you are believed to be deceiving people and using their hard-earned more to ‘live large’. The world believes that religious leaders should take the blow and remain silent even if they are innocent.

8. Go and sin no more:

The deed is done. Ese has regretted her actions. The ‘man of God’ involved is getting all the chastisement of his life. Names have been called. It’s time to move on. It’s not time to form a movement. It’s time to move forward for all ministries involved. Ese should move on with her life. The accused should look for ways to amend the damage and move his ministry forward. He will lose members but some will remain with him.

9. Let the institution be:

That the leader of COZA has faltered does not make the church an unholy place to worship. We must filter the institutions from the servants in the institutions and let them resolve their conflict as mature people. That a country has leaders who mismanage its funds does not make the all the citizens of the country corrupt. The international society and media do not understand this fact as well.

10. Wisdom is profitable to direct:

Just in case there’s another Ese Walter out there who is having an affair with a married man or another ‘man of God’, rather than destroying more than you can create, find ways of resolving the issues or have the courage to move on. What becomes of the Monica Lewinsky’s who try to battle the Clinton’s – nothing. The world moves on. You might be a Dominique Strauss-Kahn for a moment but your shame gets erased someday and tables turn. Whistle-blowing is awesome but you should always do it with wisdom. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Don’t be another Edward Snowden.


Monday, 26 August 2013

Letter to Mr. President

On October 1, 2013, President Goodluck Jonathan is expected to deliver the 53rd Independence anniversary broadcast. Nigerians want to hear a sincere, inspiring, patriotic and visionary speech. For donkey’s years, politicians have been giving us the opposite of service to the people.
Dear Mr. President, accept my sincere congratulations on the forthcoming Independence anniversary. I have quite a lot to write but since I know you are busy with state matters, therefore let me make my letter brief.
Between 1975 and 1979, I was an undergraduate at the University of Nigeria. Nsukka. At that time, two Nigerian universities were rated among the best 10 in Africa. Students even came from Ghana, Uganda, Kenya,  and Lesotho to study in Nigeria. Today, only eight are listed among the first 100 in Africa. In world rankings, not a single Nigerian University is rated among the best 2000. Mr. President, as a former university lecturer, are you not sad about this development?
I think you ought to be. University teachers have been on strike for over six weeks. Nobody knows when it will be called off.
Also, corruption is the biggest ‘monster’ that seeks to devour our country. Without doubt, it is responsible for most of our woes. Mr. President, your anti-corruption stance leaves much to be desired. Of course, you hate the ‘monster’ but you cannot fight it to a standstill because your hands are tied.
You are the nation’s chief security officer but armed robbery, militancy, kidnapping, ritual murder and extra-judicial killings plague us. All these are what Nigerians are waiting for you to address.
Ndubisi Ibelegbu,, 08052400xxx

I thought the plane was going to America- Boy found in the Plane tyre cabinet

THE teenage stowaway, Daniel Ihekina, who was arrested at the Lagos Airport after flying in the tyre hole of an Arik plane from Benin to Lagos on Saturday morning, thought he was on a US-bound flight.
A source at the Benin Airport who disclosed this said the boy’s parents had already departed for Lagos in search of the stowaway.
The airport source, who did not want his name in print said, “From what we heard, the boy said he was being maltreated and tried to escape from his parents. He thought he was on his way to the US.
“The parents have travelled to Lagos by road, to get him back.”
Meanwhile, investigations conducted by one of our correspondents in Lagos revealed that the boy had been handed over to the operatives of the State Security Services for further investigation.
The General Manager, Corporate Communications, Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, Mr. Yakubu Dati, who also confirmed the development, said the aviation security personnel of the agency had handed over the young voyager to the men of the SSS for extensive investigation.
Dati said, “The residential address the boy gave to us was traced to a church in Benin by our airport manager and his team. So, there is need to hand over the teenager to the SSS who are experts in such investigations. They will carry out further investigation on the matter.”
The FAAN spokesman said the nature and circumstances surrounding the crime informed the agency decision to hand over the stowaway to the SSS operatives.
Meanwhile, following the Benin Airport incident, FAAN has adopted the ‘risk amelioration processes to safeguard flight operations’ at all its 22 airports across  the country.
Dati stressed that the agency had tightened its risk amelioration procedure to ensure that similar incident did not occur again.
He also said the agency had prioritised the perimeter fencing of all the 22 airports in the country.
“In the meantime, we have adopted risk amelioration processes to safeguard flight operations. As a result of this incident in Benin, we have further tightened our risk amelioration procedure to ensure that a similar incident does not occur,” he  said.
However, FAAN has also continued to trade blame with Arik Air over the Benin incident.
The agency, in a statement on Sunday, said it read with “great dismay the statement released by Arik Airlines about the stowaway found on board Arik’s flight 544 from Benin to Lagos on Saturday 24 August, 2013.”
Dati said FAAN was “unfairly indicted” while the airline took no responsibility whatsoever for such a “serious security breach.”
FAAN said its preliminary investigation had revealed that Arik did not give accurate account of the Benin Airport incident.
Giving the accounts of its preliminary findings, FAAN said, “Our investigations reveal that a passenger on board the flight called the attention of the cabin crew while the aircraft was waiting to take off at the threshold of the runway, to the effect that they had seen a young boy walk under the aircraft and had not seen him re-appear on the other side.”
“The cabin crew in turn informed the pilots in the cockpit about this. The pilots called the control tower and asked them to request FAAN to do a sweep of the area after their departure, opting to carry on with their flight despite the report.”
“Upon the arrival of the aircraft in Lagos, we were informed that there had been a stowaway found alive alighting from the wheel well of the aircraft. While FAAN takes this security breach extremely seriously, we deem Arik’s attempt at indicting and smearing FAAN as irresponsible. Safety and security breaches occur when all the checks in the system are beaten.  Given that security is a responsibility for all players in this industry, a critical last opportunity to detect and prevent this stowaway was offered and had the airline taken the information by passengers as seriously as they should have, this incident would have been avoided.”

Kaffy, Umeh’s Age Differences: Dancer’s Aide Replies Critics

Recently, the social media agog with the tale of Kaffy being eight years older than her beau, Joseph Ameh, the international drummer who rolls with P Square.

It’s not unheard-of that a wife should be eight years older than her husband vis-à-vis but what matters in a relationship is love. This a lot of her followers quite agree and respect her decision on ‘age is, but, a number’.

One of the aides of the dance queen, Kaffy, we chatted with in Ajah, has responded many critics who are bashing the couple about their age differences.

“What is the big deal about age that the social media are carrying about? Is Dare Art-Alade not younger than his wife? Kaffy and Jo love each other so much, that all that matter not age. This can’t pull a string from their hair; so why making a mountain out of a mole hill,” her aide fired.

Kaffy, the mother of two, who has a youthful visage despite her status, is expecting her third baby, her second for her husband, Joseph who posted his passport online that shows he is 25 year-old dude while his wife Kaffy is 33years old

After Her Confession; Ese Walter Deletes Facebook and Twitter Page…. Writes Letter To Jesus

For those who missed the naration of Ese Walter’s affair with the head pastor of COZA, click HERE 

The OAP has deleted her social media pages after receiving insults from Nigerians and probably felt she’d rather do without the insults.

Words on the street are that shre wrote this letter before her public confession yesterday; READ

Dear Jesus,

I think I have erred this long because instead of getting to know you, I chose to pretend I already knew you.
Perhaps it was because everyone acted the same and I didn’t want to feel left out. Maybe I had heard about you too long to say I didn’t know you.

The truth however is, I really didn’t know you. It was impossible to fathom your love or why you would give it to a stubborn like me. Everywhere I went to find comfort and a way to relate to you, I was deceived.

The people, the church, the pastors, the messengers of peace…. All were out for their own selfish gains. After trying to understand what it meant to hear someone say “Jesus saved me,’ I finally gave up.

After moving from gatherings to gatherings I started to realize most of the words that proceeded from the mouth of the saints were mere words with no meaning. It was a damn religious circle and I was done with it.

Then there were the ‘mantles’ in form of handkerchiefs, anointing oils, gimmicks, dead works, pride in men who claimed to work for you and are generally referred to as ‘men of God.’ Reverence that bothered on fear for human beings, blind following of the pew, sexual immorality amongst pastors and their members, greed, politics in the affairs of the church and the list goes on and on.

I really was sick of it all Lord. So, I gave up. I didn’t mean to quit but something in me had seen enough and I didn’t want to be a part of the whole charade. In an attempt to keep my sanity, I ran. Further and further from your people and also from You.

I ran right back to the mud you brought me from. I ran back to the familiar. I ran back to a system that was real and thriving and even though it didn’t fill the void I felt on the inside of me, it numbed the pain.

It was good to be with people who didn’t pretend to believe what they didn’t understand. It felt safe to know that I wasn’t ever going to need to say “Jesus saved me” without fully understanding what that meant. I found peace with people who were real enough to say, ‘I want to live my life as I please and not have to account for nothing.’

It was easier to stay home on Sunday mornings than gather with a set of people who couldn’t understand why I didn’t fit in or who looked down their noses at me when I wore something they considered ‘unholy’ to the ‘house of God.’In all, it was great I was pushed out. It was great I stayed away from all the drama, stories, lies, greed, judgment and what not that pervaded ‘your house.’ Above it all, it was great I started to feel empty again.

This emptiness drove me to a deeper search for meaning. It drove me to me. It drove me to search the scriptures for myself, perhaps for the first time. And most excitedly, it drove me to You.

As I grow in knowing you Jesus, I realize that more and more of my authentic self begins to emerge. I realize that it’s not so hard forgiving those who have hurt me. I realize that I don’t have to be like everyone else or judge people. All I need to do is accept your love, your gift of salvation and rest in it.

I have no intention of ‘spiricoco-ing’ up neither do I point fingers at the way people choose to live but I have made up my own mind to embrace the light you bring and by my living, show others just how simple it is. Because of my experiences and the way I keep surviving, I am gentler with others and myself. I don’t fully understand my process yet, but I am learning to see me the way your word says you see me. I am attracting into my space, people, circumstances and events that are putting me right on the path I want to travel.

Today I say thank you. Thank you for staying with me like you said you would. Thank you for your Spirit that leads and guides me into all truth and continues to lead me even when I insist on holding on to a lie. Thank you for not allowing me die before my time. Thank you for the hope and assurance in my heart. Thank you for helping me develop a stronger sense of purpose.

Thank you for the tender heart I have. Thank you for my LA187 family, they have helped me in more ways than they could ever imagine. Thank you for my biological family who aren’t perfect but are just right for me. Thank you for peace, joy, love, understanding and the ability to empathize. Thank you for health, for soundness of mind and complete functioning body parts.

Thank you for your blood that speaks better things than the blood of bulls or goats (my mind is still trying to comprehend what all that slaughtering was about back then though) lol.I am coming back to the heart of worship Jesus and it’s always been about you.

As I continue on my path, please continue to keep me. For the most part, I don’t know what I am doing but I intend to stay true to the ‘knowing’ in my heart.

At the end of my time here, let me say “I fought the good fight, I finished the course, I kept the faith.
Yours in service,

Ese Walter.